How to be compliant with EU 1169/2011

Regulations like 1169/2011 can place an extra burden on your packaging and product team. What does this regulation mean exactly, who is affected by it and how can you make sure your organisation is fully compliant?

What is 1169/2011?

The full name of the regulation is EU Food Information Regulation 1169/2011. It requires that customers have access to nutritional value, allergens and ingredients information. This information must be clearly and accurately provided to the consumer before the point of sale. The regulation applies to all pre-packed food products, including products delivered by and supplied to mass-caterers intended for the final consumer.

How 1169/2011 impacts the way you need to work

This regulation places greater, ambiguous demands on the way in which manufacturers need to provide product information to retailers, channel partners and consumers:

  1. 1169/2011 Requires providing more nutritional information, leaving less room for additional information on a label.
  2. Allergen information must be presented in a different typeset on every pack.
  3. Manufacturers are obligated to provide customers with the same information that is listed on the pack in all purchasing situations, including online and mobile.
Huls ingredient and nutritional information
How SyncForce helps to be compliant with 1169/2011

Our integrated solution helps manufacturers to bring branded products to market successfully. Needless to say, this includes providing the right information to the right channels.

It starts with creating a single, central source for all content related to your products and brands, avoiding multiple versions of the truth and constant content quests in your organisation.

Once everyone agrees on the truth and knows where to find it, we help you to offer standard mapping of this product information to all external channels, including retailers and data pools. After all; different channels require different types of information and formats.

With SyncForce 360 Portfolio Content Centralisation you may rest assured that the data format matches external channel requirements and that data are validated against the specific rules of each data pool. Food Label Information is a preconfigured module that allows you to manage portioning, ingredients declaration, ingredients list, nutrients and allergens to ensure the quality of the product data –  validated against pre-defined industry rules, standards and regulations. Indeed; EU1169/2011, but also EU2002/46, EU2009/54 and GS1.

Since SyncForce takes care of the data exchange format, all your employees need to do is make sure that product data is up-to-date.